Aloha Kākou, It feels like only a short time ago I left Oregon to start my internship and now I am the Pastor at Sumner Community Church. I am forever grateful to Pastor Tony, Kathy Pinkham, and everyone else at Kettle Falls Community Church for everything they have done for me. The move down to Sumner was "smooth" U-Haul breakdowns included. I have been given a beautiful parsonage and a wonderful congregation so much more than I deserve. It will take a little time to get settled in and already we are planning projects for the future. The online video ministry will be reduced to YouTube for the short term while better internet is being looked into. I am excited for all the opportunities and people I will be getting to know, and the work our God has set before me.
Aloha Kākou,
Since the launch of our new social media sites for information and videos the response had been fairly typical for what I expected it to be. These being new platforms that are mostly unheard of that admittedly the major companies do better at... But in the case of some there is a big audience. Over the past three weeks since launching those new sights we have had over 300 views of all the past videos, and even on YouTube the message from January 24th has over 100 views alone. Typically we see maybe north of 20 views in a single week and maybe 40+ over the course of a month... but 150+ between all sources in a single week. And even better still likes, upvotes, and analytics to show people are watching a majority of the message. That tells me there are people hungry for the word of God outside of our normal reach. Much of that is from what I am sure is you all directing people our way with your sharing of our videos and I encourage you to continue to do so along with any other messages from other speakers you run across. Just a smaller feel good update today that I wanted to share some of the encouraging yet unseen work being done. Na Ke Akua e Ho’opōmaika’i iā ‘oe a me Ku’u Aloha me ‘oe – God Bless You and My Love to You, ~Pastor Terry Kalama Hoeft Aloha,
Blessed Day To You All,
I arrived safely in Kettle Falls, WA to start my internship. It is a bit of an interesting situation that only days after my arrival that the stay at home order went into effect, limiting what I can do at the moment as far as my new job is concerned. Being a Pastor who can't meet with people you have never met can be quite the challenge, never the less we are trying to work out solutions and interim measures to work in the current situation. To that end a few new things are coming online. I have created a closed Facebook group for my ministry which you can join here - Kana Kahuhipa Facebook Page. Also I have created a YouTube channel as well which can be found here - Kana Kahuhipa YouTube Channel. Specific content for which are still undecided but the general idea is the Facebook page will be used for general news, a means of contacting me or anyone in my ministry support network, or live streams. While the YouTube Channel will be reserved for archived videos of anything streamed or posted by myself or through the different Church's I am working with. Thank You every one for your prayers and I am looking forward to telling you more about all the things that are happening. With Much Aloha, Pastor Terry Friends and Family,
There are many things to report on that has happened in the past month and will happen in the month to come. In no particular order. • On support we are at $500 per month out of the $600 minimum, this is a huge deal as over $150 of this came is the last 30 days alone. • I have been assigned officially to Kettle Falls Community Church in Kettle Falls, WA as an intern Pastor starting next month on the 20th of March. • I will be moving from my hometown up to Kettle Falls, WA in mid March. Several things still need to happen here before I go and the Kettle Falls Church has done much to prepare for my arrival. I will try and keep everyone posted with a more exact timeline as it develops. To all my supporters, those who pray for me, or those who have wished me luck thank you for all your efforts. I look forward to the new challenges that God has placed before me. 11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV) With Aloha, Pastor Terry Hoeft Good Day to Everyone,
I am excited to say that the super secret location can now be revealed. My internship will be in Kettle Falls, WA at Kettle Falls Community Church. The start of this internship will be in March once support is raised. Currently I am at 66% of the way there just needing another $200 in monthly support to begin my ministry. It is exciting to be leaving home soon to do the work that God has set before me of Rural Church Missions. Village Missions has long supported my home church of Hillside Bible Church and now I get the opportunity to serve with them. If you want to help out it is still not too late to support me as a VM Missionary. Information about VM can be found here. To me Village Missions is an organization that preaches the Word of God, while ministering beyond the walls of the Chapel. Becoming a member of the community as a missionary, and connecting the community to the Family of God. I earnestly hope that you will partner with me as I begin the next step with your help. God Bless, Pastor Terry Mele Kalimaka, My first newsletter is printing as we speak and will be delivered this coming week, but for those of you who can't wait or prefer the electronic version you can find a PDF linked here for your enjoyment. God Bless, Pastor Terry ![]()
Good Day to Everyone,
Just a recent update for everyone. I have completed Candidate School with Village Missions and have been accepted as a Village Missionary. It was an intense week of reality checks, prayer, and learning. Through it all Village Missions is gaining 8 very couples and me, guess I have to get use to being Pastor Terry from now on... The next step for me is waiting placement into a field for first a year long internship. That will likely happen sometime next calendar year, and when I know where that is I will let everyone here know as well. I still have support that needs to be raised as well, but currently stand at a little over 50% raised thus far. Thank you everyone who has helped me so far and your contribution to the Ministry God has set out for me. God Bless, Pastor Terry |
AuthorTerry Kalama Hoeft is a Pastor with Village Missions serving as a pastor at Sumner Community Church in Coos Bay, Oregon Archives
August 2021
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